Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cutting out spare parts

Several months ago, my primary care physician became concerned about the chronic neutropenia(low white bloods cell count)I have experienced over the last few years with fever and night sweats. He referred me to a hematologist who ordered several blood test as well as a CAT scan to rule out lymphoma. Thankfully, I was given the wonderful news that my CAT scan was clear, and I don't have lymphoma. However, the question remains...why are my white blood cells so low?

I have been told it can be due to infection, cancer or something inhibiting the bone marrow from producing enough white blood cells. The hematologist seems to think it is likely due to infection. So, the quest is on to eliminate infection, and see if this will help. One known infection is lyme disease. The other tonsils and gallbladder.

Along with my jaw and teeth issues, I have battled tonsillitis. If they could cut off my head, I would be fine!! About a year ago, Dr.Z warned me that I might need a tonsillectomy. Even though a tonsillectomy isn't a major surgery, I was recovering from two oral surgeries, and I wasn't thrilled about the idea of someone cutting "anything" out of my mouth. I hoped that more treatment would spare my tonsils.

Well, after many rounds of antibiotics and infected tonsils, I finally relented and had a tonsillectomy yesterday. The ENT warned me that the surgery is more painful for adults than for children. I am here to tell you...percocet is my new best friend! Swallowing isn't my favorite thing to do, but a necessary evil. If this entry is not coherent, it's the percocet talking! The other strange discomfort is my tongue. Last night I noticed it was swelling and numb. At first, I was concerned I might be having an allergic reaction to something (Imagine that! 'Me,' having an allergic reaction). I made a midnight phone call to the doc. The doc said they put my tongue in a vice during surgery, and it is not an uncommon reaction for the tongue to swell or be numb. Forget my tonsils; my poor tongue must have taken a beating!

As far as the gallbladder, I had a HIDA scan (a nuclear medicine study that tests the function of the gallbladder), and it showed that my gallbladder is not working very well. My GI Doctor said this can cause a backup of bile and inflammation or infection. My digestion has been pretty pitiful for three years, and I knew I had gallbladder issues, but the HIDA scan made it clear that my gallbladder is one of the likely culprit to my digestive issues. It appears that it needs to be taken out as well! I have an appointment with my surgeon next week to discuss a cholecystectomy as soon as possible.

Maybe I will be new person after getting rid to these spare parts! Dr. Z is ordering biopsies from a special lab to find out what microbes might be living in my tonsils and gallbladder. Infact, I took a special biopsy kit when I had my tonsillectomy, and I brought home one of my tonsils...It is in my frig awaiting a FED EX delivery on Monday! I'll let you know if they find anything!

Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Where do tornadoes live?"

Before my health deteriorated so badly, I was a member of a bible study, and we were studying a book called, "Living Life on Purpose." It is a great book that talks about writing out priorities and goals, and living your life accordingly. I must life was a continual spin. I felt like I did nothing but respond to the "crisis of the moment" on most days. I had a general "outline for my life" but no real plan. I went from task to task, and I was just hanging on tight for the this book and the concepts appealed to me. Even though I went through all of the steps of writing out my "purpose statement" and goals, I am not sure much changed....even though I wanted it to...badly. I wanted to live each day "on purpose", but it was slipping through my fingers.

Then...within a few short months, I was no longer able to spin like a top and put out the fire of the moment. I could hardly get out of bed. It was then...that the craziness had to. I had no choice. It is amazing how this brought clarity to my life. If I could just manage to make dinner and dress myself, I was happy. When all the noise and activity was stripped away, I could see my priorities clearly. When the option of going to Target or cleaning the house was gone, what mattered most? I had made it so difficult, and yet it was so very simple. My priorites?...All that really mattered was my relationship with God, and being a wife to my husband and a mommy to my children.

Being ill day after day, month after month, I began to see my mortality in a different light. I had always been relatively healthy and didn't think about my mortality very often. However, I was realizing that I am not so indestructible. My faith in God meant more than ever...knowing that I have a home in heaven when I die through the death of Christ and His gift of salvation brought such peace. With that said...while I am here on earth, it is a sobering reality to see that health and life are fragile and not just a given "right." They can be taken at any time. It is a gift to be able to be a mom to my be a part of those golden teach them, to love them, to correct them. I want to "see" the gift that it is....I want to savour it. I don't want to miss it because I am trying to get my "to do list" finished. Don't get me wrong...there are other things besides being a mother and wife that I would like to accomplish, but I don't want to spin like a top anymore. I want to be "fully" available for the those golden moments with my family.

Last night, I realized I was having one of those "moments" with both of my children. I walked by the bathroom as Seth was brushing his teeth, and at a glance, I realized that his face is changing...he is growing. Yes, I know they grow, but I could see it! The thought came....savour this moment. He won't always be your little boy brushing his teeth in the next room. What a cool thing to see him grow!

Then, I went to Raegan's room to do our bedtime routine and she asked me, "Mommy, where do tornadoes live?" I tried to explain the little I know about how they develop...then, I saw a look of fear in her eyes...she didn't need to know about tornadoes. She saw The Wizard of Oz for the first time last week, and she just needed to know mommy could protect her from a tornado. We cuddled and talked about our "safe" basement, and she was fine once she knew she could bring all of her dolls and stuffed animals along if there was ever a tornado. Her body immediately relaxed, and she was ready to fall asleep. This is what I want more than tell her "where tornadoes live," and help chase away her fears. My priorities?...What I want to accomplish in life?....It's not so complicated after all.

As I get stronger, and cleaning house or shopping is an option, I am fighting the winds of busyness that so easily rob me of the golden moments that are right in front of me. May I continue to have eyes to see them.
